In Sight – Top of Mind
You’ve all heard the old adage: Out of sight, out of mind? Well, we recently decided to try the opposite with our fruit in the fridge. Doug and I are working with Shauna Muldrew, Owner and Health Coach of Infinity Health and Nutrition Coaching, to spruce up our eating and work outs and she suggested that we get the fruit OUT of the crispers and on a shelf in the fridge – RIGHT AT EYE LEVEL. I have also been placing apples, plums, peaches and oranges in a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter. Lo and behold, because all these healthy goodies are now visible, the whole family is eating more fruit rather than reaching for processed snacks. You’re all familiar with those hangry times when you get home from a busy, stressful day and you just want to rip open a bag of chips? I’m not saying that fruit cuts it over chips, but at least at our house, fruit is now the first thing you see when entering the kitchen or opening the fridge. This makes it soooooo much easier to grab a healthy snack. Anyone who knows us knows we love to chill in our living room and watch sports or movies. We call our reclining seats Row 1 Seats 1 &2 for Jets games! However, those food commercials on TV can be sooooo enticing. You can practically smell the aromas coming from the TV! I now pre-wash and prepare strawberries and grapes. They are ready to go! All we have to do is grab a bowlful and crunch down on some grapes. The sweet crunchiness also satisfies the chocolate cravings. Making small, visible changes keeps us moving in the right direction. The same can be said for having a financial plan and meeting regularly with a financial planner. We now have a plan to increase our healthy snacks and it’s working. Having a financial plan with visible goals and objectives works the same way by keeping your finances In Sight and Top of Mind.